A downloadable game

The Stars are becoming right, or at least, you think they are. Truth be told its pretty boring being members of the Global Occult Protection Agency’s cosmostronamy division. You and your fellows stare up at the infinite black sea of tiny blinking lights out in the middle of nowhere, watching for disturbances and specific alignments in the constellations so the world has a bit of warning when reality starts turning into bubbly treacle. When you first snagged this posting, you thought you’d hit the jackpot. Nothing to do but read, play sudoku, and occasionally glance at the night sky to watch for troubling developments in cosmology. But then came the night we looked up, and the night the Stars looked back, and suddenly your job became very, deadly serious, and very, deadly boring. Your superiors have clamped down hard on the cosmostronamy division, and now looking up is the only thing you’re allowed to do while on the job.

            So, when one of your fellow star gazers brought over a game you could play without looking down from your posts, you were ecstatic! All you have to do to play is find and connect together some of the whirling minor constellations you’ve all been watching by saying some messy words out of this funny looking book. And the one who can complete their chimeric constellation first, or gather together a whole, single constellation in all its glory, will win. Truth be told, you’re beginning to feel a little strange as the distant lights begin to connect themselves in your mind, and now there’s strange looking spiders that occasionally crawl over your eyeballs, and the feeling that everything of your mortal life is sloughing off your useless bones, but hey, anything beats boredom. Anything Beats Boredom.

            Call the stars, announce their power, speak the words that transmute your tongue. Lash your former companions and surrender your body to the infinite. Your world is forfeit now. They are jealous of our connection. They want to bring about their own ends before yours, before ours, before mine. They are no longer your friends. Turn to me now. Speak my words. Bring forth my light. And you alone shall be spared.

Play the game.


Constellation Cards Lite.pdf 357 kB
Con cards Prints.pdf 91 kB

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