A downloadable game

The time is nigh, and the ritual must be complete. From far and wide, the various cults of cosmic deities gather under the celestial alignment for the Feast of Stars. The Celestial beings demand tribute from your pitiful reality, and so before the celebration can begin, the oldest ritual of all the celestial orders must be conducted in its entirety. Yourself and a member of a different order have been chosen to each represent both your faction, and the cosmic gods themselves. The victor will raise their status in their Cult and be immune from future rituals of this nature, while the loser will be cast into the maw of the infernal stars and suffer the fate of Incandecimawicks. (Meaning we all die horribly and unspeakably). So now we gather, one and all.

              The ritual must be complete.

              Come now the Neophyte and the Elder Prefect. Come now the inured and the unopened soul. For the stars are watching and their gaze is deep. See now the smokey candles placed around the ritual field. Hear now the chant of eons, burbling from light to light and mind to mind from distances that break all time and sunder any thought. Feel now, the breath of madness pass through your veins. There is only one truth tonight. Stand now, or suffer the dissolution of all that is.

              The ritual must be complete.

              Each of you must draw upon your knowledge of the eldritch secrets to call upon lesser beings of the Stars, and attempt to accomplish the Sanctity of the Ritual. The Outer Gods must be appeased, or else doom shall come to the pitiful flickering candle of humanity.

              Regardless of outcome: The Ritual Must be Complete.


Constellation Cards Ver3.pdf 294 kB
Constellation Cards Final- 24x48 copy.pdf 254 kB
Constellation Cards Phase Cheat Sheet.pdf 150 kB

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